All children, ages Pre-5th Grade, are welcome at Shepherd of the Hills’ Sunday School!
If it will be your first time attending Sunday School (or Shepherd of the Hills), please use the contact form to let us know so that we can help welcome you!
Sunday School is on Sunday mornings from 10:15-11:00am in the Kendrick Room in our fellowship hall.
We are using a “Hosted” Sunday School model this year. This means that families (or interested adults) can sign-up to teach a lesson for a Sunday. They will be able to pick from fun, pre-built lessons. They can pick their favorite story or one they want to learn more about!
The pre-built lessons will be available in the Kendrick Room (next to the kitchen) at the beginning of September.
To sign-up, please fill in the Sign Up Genius form by clicking the link/logo below!
Thank you for being a part of sharing God’s Word and joy with our kids!